Club Night PrograM

First Thursday: Mainstream, Plus, Advanced
Second Thursday: Mainstream, Plus, Advanced
Third Thursday: Mainstream, Plus, Advanced
Fourth Thursday: Mainstream, Plus, Advanced
Fifth Thursday: Advanced & Challenge

The Board meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. via Online meeting. For general inquires, please e-mail

Been there, done that, Got the T-shirt!

DC Lambda Squares
T-shirts Only $20.
Available in many sizes and colors via Amazon.  Prime customers get free shipping.

Click this link to order

DCLS Board of Directors

The ONLY square dance club in Washington, DC. DC Lambda Squares welcomes singles, couples, of any orientation. We provide an energetic activity that encourages smiles, promotes friendship, and is a ticket to the hip, social world of square dancing. All are welcome to come and dance with us.


The Board meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom. Members may attend as an observer. For general inquires, please e-mail Members may request a copy of the minutes by emailing the Secretary.

Warren Jaquith & Abe Feldman Scholarship Fund

DC Lambda Squares has established the Warren Jaquith & Abe Feldman Scholarship Fund to honor the lasting contributions made by Warren Jaquith and Abe Feldman, a founding members, longtime callers, avid supporter and dear friend of our club. Warren believed that square dancing was an activity for everyone, and DC Lambda Squares wants to make it possible for those who want to square dance to be able to do so, regardless of financial circumstances

 If you want to square dance with us, but cannot because of financial difficulty, the Warren Jaquith Scholarship Fund may be able to help. The fund assists club dancers who want to attend fly-ins or the IAGSDC Convention.

The fund can also be used for square dance classes.

To request funding, please click here and download the application and send it to the address on the application.

All requests are confidential and only known to the Warren Jaquith Scholarship Fund Committee.

COVID Protocols

  •  All dancers/callers/guests must be fully vaccinated and show proof of vaccination. All attendees MUST be completely up-to-date with COVID boosters, including the bivalent, by January 1, 2023.
  • Masks will be optional at our dances, so long as DC’s numbers reported to the CDC are not high. We encourage those who want to wear a mask to do so, and we will continue to provide masks at the dance for those who need them.